Maui County Council Report Card Bills
and the importance to our community
Maui Council member’s Voting Record (from Report Card) on Bills from 2019 to 2024 with Links
Prioritizing Maui Residents for Affordable Housing List, 2021 Bill 111
In favor: Gabe Johnson, Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Mike Molina, Kelly King, Tamara Paltin, and Shane Sinenci
Against: Alice Lee, Yuki Lei Sugimura, and Tasha Kama.
Local Community Water Authority
Resolution 22-119 To Establish Maui County County Community Water Authority and East Maui Regional Community Board, 2022
In favor: Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Tamara Paltin, Shane Sinenci, Gabe Johnson, voted yes
Against: Allice Lee, Yuki Lei Sugimura, and Tasha Kama voted no.
Protecting the County's Affordable Housing Investments
CR 23-1 Bill 103 – To Protect Affordable Housing Investments- Deed Restrictions on Affordable Housing 2023
In favor: Gabe Johnson, Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Shane Sinenci, Tamara Paltin voted in favor of deed restrictions on affordable housing
Against: Alice Lee, Yuki Lei Sugimura, Tom Cook, Nohelani Uu-Hodgins, and Tasha Kama opposed deed restrictions
Stop Desecration of Hawaiian Burial Sites
CR23-2 Bill 154 Cultural Overlay Mapping bill to prevent Hawaiian burial desecration sites by developers, 2024.
In favor: Tamara Paltin, Shane Sinenci, Gabe Johnson, Keani Rawlins-Fernandez voted to override veto
Against: Alice Lee, Yuki Lei Sugimura, Tom Cook, Nohelani U-u Hodgins, and Tasha Kama voted not to override veto
Community vs Construction Representatives on Boards and Commissions.
Government Relations, Ethics and Transparency Committee (GREAT) meeting February 16, 2024
In violation to the revised 2022 Charter amendment, Chair Councilmember Noelani U’u Hodgins bypassed the authority of Mayor Bissen who had selected nominees for Maui County
Boards and Commissions. At this committee meeting, U’u Hodgins then proceeded to address procedures for the council conduct their own recruiting and selection of nominees to boards, committees, and commissions for filling vacancies. As a result the planning commission members do not have a Kihei representative where the majority of recent has taken place and is dominated by the construction industry.
Toxic Pesticides in Maui County on County Land. Bill 131 (originally Bill 99) by Council Chair Alice Lee to repeal the pesticide ban and allow toxic pesticides and fertilizers on all county lands, including parks, municipal golf courses. Heard 9/26/2024 at the Agriculture, Diversification, Environment, and Public Transportation Committee (ADEPT) committee chaired by Councilmember Gabe Johnson. Item discussed; testimony heard. Item deferred. AFD3734459BD&Options=&Search=
Lahaina Injection Well Supreme Court Case, 2019 Resolution 19-158
Vote was to settle the Lahaina Injection Wells Case and withdraw the Supreme Court appeaIn favor: Kelly King, Mike Molina, Keani Rawlins Fernandez, Shane Sinenci, Tamara Paltin voted to settle the case stop polluting
Against: Riki Hokama, Tasha Kama, Alice Lee and Yuki Lei Sugimura to approve continued pollution
Maui Mayor Victorino defied the County Council resolution and continued to pursue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court over the use of injection wells where he lost, which cost the County of Maui $ 4.3 million dollars.