Help Us Inform our Maui Community about County Candidates, Charter Amendments, Issues, and Events.
The Maui Pono Network completes a rigorous investigation of County Council and State Representative candidates for Maui County seats, all posted on for public viewing. Voters can objectively check out why certain candidates stand out and their selection as Ohana Candidates.
By electing a majority of progressive in our county office we can assure a bright future beyond the haze of our present uncertainties. Supporting a slate of well-vetted progressive candidates facilitates a collective, cost/effective strategy. This practical approach to systemic change resulted in a resounding progressive victory in 2020, and in 2022 and we are gearing up for a similar effort.
Monies will go toward the following initiatives, there are no salaries or other expenses involved. Any donation will go a long way in supporting our actions.
Where Does Your Donation Go?
Banners: Producing hundreds that promote the Ohana Candidates. Distribute and set up throughout the county.
Post Card Handouts: Candidate endorsement cards for Primary and General elections, including a report card of County Council incumbents.
Card Distribution Centers: Production of display cases for local stores and the distribution and maintenance of these outlets.
Social Media: We will utilize the Progressive network and will also purchase boosts for media and develop memes.
Phone Banks: Purchase phone lists for land and cell lines, text messages, robo calls, phone bank training and, auto dialers.
Mailings: Targeted neighborhood mailings
Video editing: Interviews for Web, social media and AKAKU.
County Wide Progressive Network: The web site will have a directory that includes: Food Production, Water Rights, Sovereignty, Social Services, Affordable Housing, Environmental Causes.
Radio: ads and half hour debates.
Web Development: for and
Community Event: with bands and Ohana Candidates events, if all restrictions are lifted.