Questions for Candidates
Why did you vote the way you did on Bill 120, approving the Oluwalu Temporary Dump Site?
Why did you vote the way you did on Bill 111, the bill to create an affordable housing wait list for long term residents? (Only applies to council members in office in 2021)
Talk to us about how you have voted and presented bills that support the county charter amendments voted into law in 2020 by the people of Maui.
Do you think that planning and other commissions should have representatives from each of the county's areas? What about the planning commission? Should it have.a representative from South Maui? (Ask this of U'u)
What paradigm-shifting solutions can you offer so that rising real estate prices and values do not correspondingly increase the cost of housing and cost of living, pushing out locals from the housing market?
How do you feel about more out-of-state people and corporations buying and owning property in Hawaii?
Homelessness remains a problem statewide, including on Hawaii island. What would you do to come to grips on this persistent problem?
Have you accepted money from the Carpenters' Union and/or Time Share affiliated groups?