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Maui Pono Network News and Current Issues


A Resounding Progressive Victory in Maui County’s 2020 Elections!

Our Maui community stopped an attempted coup of our local governance by big money, out of county, Corporate Super PACS who spent $430,000 in Maui County’s general election. They endorsed and promoted the exact opposite of the Maui Pono Network.

Voters selected 14 of the 16 candidates and charter amendments the Maui Pono Network supported. Our budget was $10,000 for the general election, 1/43rd the opposition. (MPN also spent $10,000 on the Primary race).

Mahalo to all the volunteers, donors, and voters – YOU made this victory happen!

Read more from an "outside perspective" at's coverage article.

On February 9, 2021, the Maui County Council will appoint nine members to serve on the 11-member Charter Commission, which is responsible for reviewing Maui County's Charter and drafting proposed amendments to the constitutional document. Each of the nine Council Members will be able to nominate one applicant of their choosing to the commission. The mayor will nominate two applicants.

This process is required by law to happen only once every 10 years, and the last time a Charter Commission was appointed was in 2011. This is an incredibly important opportunity for our community to be involved in how our local government runs. We hope the appointees will help the charter direct a more inclusive, transparent, and representative Maui County. Please apply and encourage your friends and family to be a part of the process.

Applications are due by 12pm on February 1, 2021. The application is available online at and in hard copy at County district offices. Completed applications can be submitted by emailing documents to AND to your area's specific council member with the subject line referencing GREAT-5. You can also send your application to the mayor, as he also needs to select two appointees. Applications can also be mailed, faxed, or dropped off in a drop box outside the entrance to the County Building or at the county’s district offices to be received by the Feb. 1 deadline.

Applications must be received by the deadline in order to be reviewed at the Feb. 9 Government Relations, Ethics, and Transparency Committee.

For more information, read this press release from Committee Chair Councilmember Mike Molina:

Before the February 9th meeting, please read the Maui County Charter here:

To review the previous charter commissions agendas, schedules, and minutes, go here:

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